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- Dr Robert Edinger, Law School Admission Specialist
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Samples of My Work: Applicants Interested in Practicing Family Law
I want to help you get admitted to Law School. Let us seize the high moral ground together as a team!
My service is distinguished from other law school personal statement services by my humanitarian emphasis. I take the high moral ground, fostering a sense of historical justice through the celebration of diversity. Most of my clients are international students, and I enjoy helping to prepare the leaders of tomorrow in the field of law, people like you who want to make the world a better place. I help you brainstorm ideas free of charge so as to make your long term goals as creative and convincing as possible, helping you to weave the disparate elements of your story together in an eloquent fashion that causes you to stand out from the crowd.
While my PHD is in the area of Religion, I like to think of myself as more of a historian than a theologian. My focus has always been on moral theory and thinking as it relates to politics and international relations; yet, I have always been aware of how all of this invariably takes place on the foundation of Law. It is our legal system and its enforcement that makes moral thinking, dialogue, and, subsequently progress possible.
For the past 30 years, I have labored to stay current on most of the news coming out of the Developing World, Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East. I have studied world religions and cultures extensively for decades. Fluent in Spanish, I am published in that language in the areas of history and gender studies.
A Day in the Life of a Family Law Attorney
Family Law Cares 2013 pro bono 5k.
How to Do a Pro Bono Divorce
Successful Statements of Excellence in Family Law
All of the Statement samples on this web site were written more than 2 years ago and all are anonymous.
Skype: DrRobertEdinger
Most Recently Edited Law School Admission Personal Statement Samples
- LLM Human Rights, International, Spanish Mom
- LLM Masters Tax Law, Chinese Businessman
- LLM Labor Law, Sociology, African Studies
- JD Environmental Law, Canada
- MA Human Rights Law, Indian Woman
- LLM Human, Women’s Rights, Brazilian
- LLM Human Rights and Social Justice, Columbian
- LLM, London, UAE, Refugees, European
- LLM, UK, Applicant from Bahrain
- JD/MS Social Policy Joint Degree, Chinese
- LLM UK, Business Law, Chinese Applicant
- LLM Human Rights China, Applicant Couple
- LLM Family Law, Chinese Democracy Activist
- JD, Cuban, Human Rights, Education Law
- JD Finance & Investment, China to Canada
- Diversity Statement International Law, Chinese
- JD/MBA Joint Degree, Latin American, Caribbean
- JD International Law, Death Penalty. African American
- LLM, Human Rights, Egyptian Attorney
- LLM Corporate Governance, Ukrainian Applicant
The Humanitarian Side of Family, Child, Divorce, Elder Law
If you´re looking for humanitarian family law resources online, you probably won´t come up trumps. The nature of law is that, unless you´re trained and focusing on international humanitarian law, the laws you´ve studied apply to one jurisdiction, or a few, at most. But that doesn´t mean that you can make your work more humanitarian, of course. Many lawyers explore pro bono work in the areas they are interested and want to be of service in.
Take ProBonoProject, for example. They provide family law services to Santa Clara County community members who have cases in Santa Clara County in domestic violence, dissolution, separation, and parentage actions.
These actions may involve custody, visitation, and child support. Services can include advice, referral to other resources, preparation of documents, coaching on self-representation, negotiation and settlement, limited scope representation, and full legal representation.
The Pro Bono Project is able to provide services through the following means: Family Law Clinics, Limited Scope or Full Representation, and the Family Court Settlement Project.
The Family Law Clinic
The Family Law Clinic provides intake, holds proper clinics, completes form and provides limited volunteer representation. They can provide legal advice on family issues, as well as referrals to local agencies that can help.
Domestic Violence
ProBonoProject, through its Domestic Violence Project, provides representation in Domestic Violence Restraining order hearings. The hearings will make a determination on domestic violence and grant restraining orders, where appropriate. The court can adjudicate temporary custody, visitation, and support.
Family Court Settlement Project
ProBonoProject, in partnership with Family Court, has developed a pilot project designed to provide self-represented parties legal assistance with settlement on the day of court. Each party is provided with an attorney to consult with followed by a 4-way discussion between the parties and their respective counsel in an effort to resolve the parenting issues on calendar for that day.
The process is based on the collaborative model, so the attorneys take a non-adversarial approach and the discussions are interest based and facilitated by the attorneys rather than a more traditional adversarial negotiation.
Private Pro Bono Projects
There are many ways you can get involved in doing your own pro bono work. Harvard University writers Stacy DeBroff and Kevin Lapp stress the need for structured programs and using specific models to achieve what you´d like to get done through your work.
They recommend working through an agency that link firms with pro bono work, do your research well, and partner up with other colleagues who may also be interested in tackling the case.
Another way to get involved is by working for, or joining, an organization that works in this area.
Family Law Education for Women (FLEW)
Family Law Education for Women (FLEW) evolved from the advocacy efforts of the No Religious Arbitration Coalition (the “Coalition”). The Coalition was a coalition of more than 100 women’s and community agencies. They came together to advocate against the use of religious arbitration in family law in Ontario.
The government heard the message the Coalition, along with the many other groups and individuals across the country who spoke out on this important issue, and amended the law to require that arbitration awards follow Canadian or Ontario family law. Several other new and important provisions, related to family law arbitrations, were also introduced during that time.
The Coalition’s work highlighted the need for widespread public family law education and outreach to women in the region. In particular, isolated and vulnerable women, across the province.
Shortly after announcing the new legislation, the Government of Ontario decided to fund a project targeted to reach these particular women and invited a number of agencies involved with the Coalition to perform the project management. Seven of these agencies came together, and formed FLEW.
The Association of Humanitarian Lawyers
Although not directly linked with family law, the Association of Humanitarian Lawyers (AHL) is a small, non-profit organization that supports initiatives in human rights and humanitarian (armed conflict) law and it may be of interest to you.
Its current officers are all practicing attorneys from five different countries. There are usually between five and seven researchers, some of whom are attorneys, others law students or paralegals or graduates in political science or related fields working at the association at any one time.
Recently, interns have come from Botswana, Canada, China, France, Germany, Korea, Malta, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and United Kingdom as well as from the USA. AHL does not provide salaries, but does offer expense stipends for their researchers when possible.
They are pleased that most of their former researchers or interns have gone on to become involved in the field of human rights in their countries, many of them in a leadership capacity. Others have undertaken a legal education or advanced degrees with an emphasis on human rights and thoroughly enjoyed the process. Publications we have prepared or supported have received wide dissemination. They are considered by many as the leading works in their topics.
Agencies that link firms or individuals with pro bono projects include:
- The Volunteer Lawyers Project (VLP) of the Boston Bar Association
- Volunteers of Legal Service (VOLS), a non-profit agency in New York City
- Legal Services of Eastern Missouri (LSEM)