XXU is my first choice among LLM programs for a variety of reasons, most of all my profound admiration for the thoroughly international character of your program and the fact that my special area of interest, Tax Law, is figured quite prominently in your curriculum. In fact, I see XXU Law as the most prestigious Tax LLM program in the world with the most course offerings incorporated into the curriculum.
Currently finishing my JD Degree this coming May of 2017 at Vanderbilt University, I hope to begin your program at XXU and earn the LLM Degree so as to have the opportunity to develop my special passion for Tax Law in particular. I also love New York City and see XXU as the center of the world, not only with respect to business and law but also culture. Born and raised in China, I feel at home in the vibrant Chinese community of NYC and look forward to utilizing the vast educational resources of the city.
My goal upon entering my JD program was to become a corporate lawyer specializing in Chinese business transactions. After taking a number of tax law courses and serving as a summer associate at Jones Day, however, I fell in love with the amazing world of taxation and redirected my commitment to practice in this exciting area Federal income tax and corporate tax were my favorite classes in law school and I appreciated the internal logic of federal income tax buried in the complicated legal framework. I enjoy the constant interaction of form and substance in corporate taxation. Although the voluminous IRS regulations were daunting at times, the thrill of finally solving a difficult problem set was definitely worth the days of relentless hard work, especially since I was rewarded with a Scholastic Excellence Award in Corporate Taxation.
My long term goal is to become recognized as an international expert in the area of tax law and tax policy, with a special focus on taxation in terms of distributional justice: who should be taxed, how much should we tax, based on what standard should we tax, etc., and the huge implications that these questions have for society. I hope to someday become a partner in an international law firm that does business in both the USA and China. I look forward to contributing to the shattering of glass ceilings for Chinese women in the international business world and to serve as a role model for those who have the talent and ambition to practice in the US as well as China.
I have interned for the past two summers, for a law firm and then a corporation. This will also help me to hit the ground running and excel at NYU. I adore tax law and that is my primary asset and I feel strongly that I will excel at the analysis of tax law from multicultural perspectives.
I thank you for considering my application to XXU.